A Jolt of Reality: Students Choose Electric Shocks Over Quiet Reflection

What’s so scary about your own thoughts? This University of Virginia study reveals the shocking lengths people will go to avoid them!

Michael Boyd
3 min readSep 13, 2023
Close-up of a volt meter’s needle, indicating a surge in electrical current.
Much like our aversion to solitude, the needle’s swing reveals an unexpected charge beneath the surface, echoing the shocking findings of Wilson’s study. (Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash)

Every now and then, a piece of information emerges that challenges our understanding of the human condition, making us reevaluate the very core of who we are. This time, it isn’t from a grand revelation or a mystical experience, but from a research study, nestled in the hallowed halls of the University of Virginia by a scholar named Timothy Wilson.

The crux of the research? People, it appears, would prefer a jolt of electric shock to the seemingly simple act of being alone with their thoughts.

At first glance, I was tempted to dismiss it. Surely, solitude couldn’t be that intolerable? But as I delved deeper into the study, the implications became hard to ignore.

Solitude vs. Shock: The Experiment

The experiment Wilson and his team set up was fairly straightforward. Participants were asked to sit alone in a room, free from the distractions of the outside world. No smartphones, no music, no entertainment. Just them and their thoughts for a mere 15 minutes.



Michael Boyd

A curious explorer of human behavior and life's subtle lessons, sharing insights on resilience, purpose, and the universe's whispers.